
Higration Nation

 With summer gone and fall almost out the door winter is soon approaching! With winter comes dry, cold, air which can cause havoc on the skin. If you pay attention to your skin you will notice that it is not as oily as it was during warmer weather. I myself have very oily skin and I am always surprised when I see flaking as the weather changes. There are several steps you can take so you will have beautiful skin year round. The suggestions are from personal experience as well as advice from a professional esthetician Catina Jariett owner The Beauty Room Skin and Body Care  Below you will see examples of products that give you a price point from high to low.  You can find your own skin care I just put up some examples along with products I use and work for me. 

face cleanCleansers

I have found that what I wash my face with during the summer might be a little too cleansing for winter months. You never want to wash all the natural oils from your skin but during the summer you do want your skin to feel cleaner, but during winter it does not take much to clean and dry your skin out. I always recommend cleansing products that are free of soap (seeing soap is a detergent and can strip your skin of all its natural oils) cleansing milks and cream washes are good products to use they are soap free and hydrating to the skin.



toners Toners

This is a personal decision as far as I am concerned. I do not use toner on a daily basis I find myself using it only when I do my makeup. If you feel using a toner is necessary for your skin keep it up just make sure you are using a toner that is alcohol free. If you find your skin getting dryer with the use of your toner then you should stop the use until the weather warms up.





With our skin getting dryer in the winter months
changing your moisteriser is a good idea.  Choose a moisturizer that is richer than the  moisturizer you used during the summer.  Night creams are a good idea for the nourishment of your skin also.  Remember to make sure your moisturizer has a spf of at least 15 for daily use even though snow might be falling and clouds are in the sky UV rays still come through and attack the skin.



Visiting your esthetician regularly and drinking plenty of water with the steps mentions above will ensure your skin looking it's healthiest throughout this winter